CPG stays updated on the latest industry news to ensure that the staff and contractor teams are correctly following the policy and procedural protocol. CPG's attention to detail allows it to provide the best services possible with its portfolio of properties, regardless of the situation.

Only a properly trained team can provide the expertise and dedication to detail that a vacant property requires. Vacant properties appeal to deviant attention, which puts the property at a great risk for vandalism, looters, and squatters, but with our trained contractor teams, these risks are minimized. The contractor teams are able to bring the vacant properties up to marketable standards efficiently and accurately, no matter the property condition and damaged incurred.

Occupied properties are handled delicately and respectfully, so the occupants are put at ease, and the experience is as simple as possible. All occupied properties are handled on either an appointment basis, to work around difficult schedules, or work is done discreetly so the occupant's daily lives are not interrupted.

As part of our property management responsibilities, we take care of leased/tenant occupied properties as well.